Ready to believe in your brilliance & live an epic life

Ready to believe in your brilliance & live an epic life

It's time to find more time, more money more confidence, more success and frankly more of whatever it is your heart desires. It's time to let go of your fearful, self doubting self and unleash the brilliance that's already within you. It's time to build and live an epic life that you truly deserve!

IT'S TIME TO stop the self doubt

scroll on if you're into it.


You’ve worked so hard to build a career and a life of your own… yet, it doesn’t feel like enough…

You catch yourself feeling like this can’t be ‘’IT’’. You feel as though you are not being seen or rewarded anymore. You look at others, compare yourself and a part of you doesn’t feel successful, even after you spent years doing EVERYTHING and checking all the boxes of what success was supposed to be. You doubt yourself way more than you should and you doubt every single action you think of taking towards your next goals. 

I get it. You have worked SO HARD to become the engineer, scientist or manager that you are, but somehow it doesn't feel enough. Somehow it doesn't bring you the joy that you deserve. 

Trust me I was in your shoes just a few years ago and it wasn't until I started to believe in my own brilliance that things started to change.

Welcome to the Believe in Your Brilliance Academy

Ready for your life to change?

"The  Academy will connect you with a group of amazing women. We learned so much from each other and were able to relate to one another in many ways. The courses were easy to follow and the video format helped me retain information. The handouts also helped me throughout the course and provided great insight. There are so many amazing resources that I will carry with me for the rest of my career from habit building to a tasks balancing."

shivani vashi
mechanical engineer

"This is such an incredible program!"

I found out where the issue was, that up until that point I learned everything meticulously in school, college and now that it was time to live this life I  have been building up to, I am missing the instruction manual, the framework and therefore I kept are missing out on all the opportunities to be happy and to be successful and to finally be at peace with myself and my path. You might this way too..

I can hear your skepticism right through the screen, but I am here to tell you that it's all possible and way easier than you think. 

In 2016, no matter what I did I kept doubting myself..

Allow me to introduce the most epic way to finally start believing in yourself & start creating a life that you are proud of. 

but guess what...

Believe In Your Brilliance Academy


A 3-month coaching program especially curated for engineers, scientists, technologists and women working in any high demanding professions. Learn to become more confident, get clarity, manage time and execute on your goals effortlessly while being surrounded by a supportive community. 

To unlearn what's not serving you, you need to learn a new way of approaching your goals. Through weekly live coaching calls, you will unlearn old patterns and learn new ways to create your success. These calls are the perfect place to ask questions, share wins and take massive action. Expect a high energy, live masterclass combined with an impactful Q&A.

Whether your goal is to find your dream job, double your income or start your business or launch that podcast, whatever you wish to pursue our digital course suite has got you covered. With detailed and self paced lesson plans to worksheets and easy to use templates, this course suite is one stop shop curated just for you.

Here's What You'll Learn

Weekly Live Masterclass Calls

Access To A Digital Course Suite

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Imagine having access to like minded women in a closed knit community and being able to talk to them anytime during the day. With our exclusive Voxer group chat we will all have live daily accountability, connectivity and a safe place to ask questions throughout the week. Through this chat, I promise you will never feel alone at any point in our journey together.

Exclusive Group Chat

feature four

Private one on one coaching is one of the best ways to accelerate your growth and get the desired results in record time. That's why you will get monthly private coaching calls with me to help you closely every step of the way. Together we will build strategies, action plans and evaluate your progress and adjust course accordingly. 

Monthly Private Coaching Calls

feature Three


Ways to significantly grow your income potential and get clear on your dream job.

How does this sound?

Get crystal clear on what you'd like to accomplish in the next few months and how.



tangible results you're going to get:

Create powerful routines and success habits that you always wanted to create without procrastinating.


Get control of your time and do twice as much in a day. Learn to manage your time and energy like a pro!


Exponentially increase your self confidence & meet your awesome self that is ready to take on any challenge fearlessly.


apply now

How It Works

We get on an on boarding call, clearly understand your most urgent goals and map out a detailed  plan for the next three months. 

As soon as you start

Learn how to increase your self confidence, get clarity, set goals, manage time effectively and take small but powerful weekly actions. You will be held accountable via our weekly group calls. 


You make progress every week on your goals while working on your overall personal development through our weekly challenges and exciting group chat conversations.


Study at your own pace

Customized learning plan based on your goals


find your brilliant self through small actions

"Within 7 weeks of joining the Academy, I got 3 competitive job offers from my dream employers, including Facebook and I negotiated a 100%+ salary increase."


got her dream job:


"Through HSS Academy, I got immense clarity in my next steps and within 8 weeks, I launched my paid community for women in tech. Thanks to Prasha for making this possible."


launched her dream business


real results


Students who learnt from this course in the last 12 months


Countries served in the last 12 months alone.


My clients' total salary increases 2020-21


Number of videos included in the course

A year from now you
will have wished you started today....

So let's get  started!

"Prasha helped me uncover my untapped potential, believe in it and own it"

I have been job hunting for the past 2-3 years because I didn't feel fulfilled in my job and felt stagnant in my growth. Prasha helped me visualize a dream career, navigate the clarity loop to understand what exactly I wanted to do, she helped me make intentional efforts to network and apply jobs and also kept boosting my morale through the long wait of the work visa transfer process. I never imagined that I would be able to get a career breakthrough because I couldn't see the endless possibilities for me and Prasha helped me believe in my capabilities.



Yes, It Really Works

"If you're on the fence, let me just say... you've gotta work with Prasha."

I was in a state where I didn't have a clear vision of what is that I wanted to do next or a goal that I wanted to achieve. With the help of Prasha and her coaching techniques/strategies I was able to design my goal for the next 6 months and determined a strategy that helped me navigate through my success.



This is a great program and exceeded all my expectations!

I went into the program wanting to start my day with more control so I could spend the day working towards my goals and not get caught up in the mundane; I wanted to build out a morning routine that would help me thrive. I came out of the program with a solid morning routine that I continue to practice. The routine keeps me grounded and inspires me every day. 


build a solid morning routine

A clear roadmap to STEM success personally outlined for you. When you enroll, we get on a 45min 1:1 call and outline the exact steps you will need to take in the 3 months to ensure your STEM success. 

Apply today and if selected you will get a free on boarding call!


Bonus Call With Me


" You are brilliant & I am on a mission to help you believe that"

- prasha

Be clear on your next steps and working on projects that bring high reward — both financially and creatively.

Increasing your income potential (Our students report an over 150% increase!).

Be able to clearly articulate what you deserve at work and advocate for yourself confidently in any room.

Have a clear actionable plan in place for creating  your overall success and taking things to the next level. 

Know how to find the time to prioritize  different areas of your life without getting overwhlemed

Be able to take massive action with ease and beating procrastination before it even kicks in.

By the end of __, you will...

apply now

Through the academy calls and working sessions with Prasha, I found the clarity I was looking for, and I absolutely love the way she connects with each one of us in the group and inspires us to believe in ourselves.  

Shaileen p
biomedical ENGINEER

"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"Anyone who finds themselves struggling with thought spirals would benefit from this Academy by getting feedback and actionable steps out of them!."

SHREYA MALIK, software engineer

"This program  improved my overall wellbeing"

"Going through the course and calls with her helped me focus on the things I could control without feeling the pressure of doing everything all the time. When you work with Prasha you are not working on just" one thing in isolation you work on everything that impacts not just the big goals but also your day to day.

shilpi nayak
computer engineer

"Most grounding experience ever"

I'm Prasha, your new  I-got-you friend. 

I moved to the US 10 years ago and worked in manufacturing for over 7 years. I got promoted 3 times in 6 years, I started my own business on the side and I gave a TEDx talk. Over the last 10 years, I have created my own success in my career & beyond and now I am obsessed with helping you do the same. 

more about me

hey there!

I slept on the floor for years....

Yep, for years I didn't prioritize myself, my success or my joy. I just focussed on growing my career which at times seemed to be making me both mentally & physically sick. Not having a family support in the US and breaking free from a toxic longterm relationship right when I lost my was all a lot to process.

Then in 2016, I decided to take back control. I started with taking care of myself by adding small habits to my life. While building on those small actions I started reading tons of books, 61 to be precise, in just 2017 alone.

Things changed drastically over the course of time and today I am living a life on my own terms. I am at my healthiest self mentally and physically and I am the first full time entrepreneur in my family. I define my success every single day, not by taking huge steps, but by taking small steps with confidence. 

I AM NOT "SPECIAL" I HAVE JUST UNCOVERED A WAY OF LIFE THAT'S SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE AND i am obsessed with teaching you all that I have learnt

but it wasn't always this way.

The Believe In Your Brilliance Academy is the only one of its kind because...

it takes into account all areas of your life 

There are too many programs out there focussed solely on your career or side hustle or relationships or health, but there is only one program that is designed to uplevel all areas of your life while taking into account the stresses of your high demanding jobs. This program delivers in depth support that you deserve to finally feel successful and in control of your overall success. It equips you with tools, mindset shifts and a step by step action plan to accomplish whatever success you desire. 

You are a whole person, you are more than you career and you for sure are way more than the money in your bank. You deserve to build, enjoy and live fully each area of your life without feeling an ounce of guilt and this program guarantees exactly that.

It helps you gain immense clarity in the next steps of your life

It's easy to follow other people's definition of success but it's fulfilling to create and follow your own success. The hurdle most programs fail to take into account is lack of overall clarity and how all areas of your life are connected. But with BIB Academy this changes as soon as you join. Through weekly training on gaining clarity and learning how to bring clarity to all areas of your life, you create a strong foundation for all the success you wish to pursue. 

Easy to follow clarity framework will help you gain clarity in all that you do. It essentially will re-wire how you think about clarity and how to plan, pursue and assess all your future endeavours. 

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to finally believe in your brilliance & build a life you are proud of.

A 3-month coaching program especially curated for engineers, scientists, technologists and women working in any high demanding professions. Learn to become more confident, get clarity, manage time and execute on your goals effortlessly while being surrounded by a supportive community. 

Creating the powerful habit of creating your success on a daily basis.

Build a strong foundation for the next 5 years. 

Attracting your dream career opportunities and working on projects that light you up.

Building life long confidence that allows you to show up as your successful self every single day in every single room.

Managing your time like you have never done before, and always having more time to do the things that you love. 

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

Apply now

Try this program for 30 days. Get your first win in just 30 days.

This powerful coaching program comes with a 30 day Guarantee. If you do everything per the program, submit all your assignments and show up with 100% commitment, I guarantee you will have your first win in just 30 days. If I don't deliver, I will work with you even more closely to accomplish the same. 

believe in your


This      for you if:

you're ready to take control of your success.

you are looking for quick done-for you solutions.

you are an ambitious woman working fulltime


you're ready to put in the work to live the life of your dreams.

It's probably       for you if...




It's probably
for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!

When will I find if I got selected for the next cohort?

Application submissions are assessed within 3-5 days of your submission. I review them myself and will respond to each application personally. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not sure what goals should I work on..does this program help with that?

Absolutely,  finding clarity is one the most important objectives of this academy experience. During our very first one on one call, I will help you find clarity in your goals and over the next weeks, I will teach you the most effective ways to gain clarity as well. 

I am very busy and don't have time, how will I find time to work on this program?

I hear you! I know how busy you are and that's why time management is one of the main pillars of the academy. So as soon as you join I walk you through my most effective time management techniques that will help you take so much time back from your busy schedule.

I have never invested in myself, how do I know it's worth it.

If this is your first investment in yourself, it can be scary for sure but to ensure it's the right one for you. I invite you to think of the possible return on investment. Are your dreams worth it? What if you received a $3000 raise right after this program. That is a 100% ROI.

How do I know this is the right program for me?

If whatever you read so far piqued your interest then I invite you to apply for the program and by reviewing your application, I can help you decided if this is the best choice for you.

What is the Digital Course Suite?

I am glad you asked. It is a set of 6 different online courses, created to help you with different life goals. From finding a job to starting your side hustle, you will get video material to support you take action at your own pace. 

Will you help me get a job through this?

Yes for sure! If that's your main goal, I have all the tools to help you with that. Our participants have all secured 6 figure jobs with a minimum of 15% salary increase on an average. 

When does the program start and how many spots you have per cohort?

Our cohorts start on the second Sunday of every quarter, every cohort has a maximum of 15 spots each. 


Students who have taken this course


Countries served in the last 12 months alone.


My clients' total salary raises + offers this year


Number of videos included in the course

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in yourself is an important one! So if you have any further questions, just reach out to me and I promise to help you make the best decision for yourself. 

Still on the fence?